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- ==============================================================================
- Edge Reversi 1.0 is distributed as FREEWARE. As such no warrenty is given.
- The executable may be distributed free of charge. However, Steve Maughan
- has full copyright over the source code.
- The product has been tested for viruses but no garentees are given that there
- are no viruses. No responsibility will be taken for any damage caused directly
- or indirectly by the software or its use.
- ==============================================================================
- If you have any suggestions for future versions of Edge Reversi please drop me
- an e-mail at maughan@bigfoot.com
- The Reversi rules are simple. Black moves first and the moves alternate
- between players. A player must move as long as he has at least one legal
- move, else he passes. A legal move consists of any move that "flips" at
- least one of the opposing pieces. An opposing piece is flipped if it
- stands between (either alone or with a line of other opposing pieces and
- either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally) the piece just played and
- another piece of the same color as that just played. When a piece is
- flipped, it becomes the opposite color to what it was prior to flipping.
- The game ends when neither player has a legal move. The winner of the
- game is the player with the most pieces of his color at the end of the
- game.
- Most of the options are self explanatory. Edge Reversi plays a moderately
- good game although nothing like as strong as Logithello (wait for
- version 2!).
- The "thinking" options give some insight into the way EDGE Reversi is
- analysing the position. One point to note, especially for Chess players
- is that the board coordinate system is different from the one used in Chess.
- In Reversi the square at the top left is A1 and the square at the bottom
- right is H8.
- The strength of EDGE is dependent upon the amount of time the computer
- "thinks" about a move. The longer the computer thinks the deeper it will be
- able to search and the stronger the move that it will play. There are three
- types of levels:
- Fixed Time EDGE will move after a set amount of time.
- Fixed Ply A fixed depth search will be carried out.
- Infinite EDGE will think until forced to play or the position
- has been solved perfectly
- The other parameters Gamma Selectivity and Selective Depth determine how EDGE's
- selective search will be carried out. The higher the Gamma Selectivity, the
- more likely that a position will be search further. At the start of the game
- it is advisable to keep this parameter below 700. The Selective Depth is the
- maximum depth that can be searched over and above the fixed depth. By changing
- the Selective Depth and Gamma Selectivity the style and strength of EDGE can
- be altered. The Selective Depth and Gamma Selectivity only have an impact if
- the Selective Seartch option is enabled.
- The two player mode allows the a game to be played between two humans without
- EDGE taking part.
- The take back option allows one to "undo" moves. Likewise, the move forward
- option re-plays moves that have previously been taken back. Both options are
- also available by using the arrows below the Reversi board.
- If EDGE is thinking it can be interupted by using the Move Now option.
- Alternatively, if EDGE is not thinking the Move Now option will force it to
- start, effectively swaping sides.
- This option displays an outline of the move that EDGE considers the best while
- it is thinking.
- EDGE displays the possible legal moves as red spots on the board.
- With this option enabled, when one moves the mouse to a square that is a
- legal move, the discs that would be flipped are highlighted. This can be
- useful when beginning and trying to visualise the consequence of a move.
- EDGE can display some of its thought process in the statistics section to
- the right of the board. This includes:
- 1 The Candidate Move which is currently preferred.
- 2 The move being considered.
- 3 The Evaluation of the position. Positive score indicate that
- EDGE thinks it is winning.
- 4 The number of nodes considered in the search.
- 5 The depth of the search.
- The scroll box below the Statistics show the line of play that EDGE considers
- the best. Once again remember that A1 is the square at the top left and H8
- is the square at the bottom right.
- Turns the move "beep" on or off.
- EDGE can either perform a selective or full width search. The selective
- option is usually stronger. When a search has been completed the maximum
- depth of search acheived is displayed as the second number in the Depth
- statistics eg Depth 10 : 20 means that EDGE searched 10 ply full width and
- some line up to 20 ply.
- The ubiquitous About box. The RevMark statistics show an estimate of the
- speed compared to a Intel Pentium Pro 200 MHz.
- ===========================================================================
- To Do
- EDGE Reversi will be developed as and when time permits. The current list of
- things to add is:
- 1) Opening book
- 2) Endgame solver (although the selective seach seems to do OK!)
- 3) Thinking in opponents time
- 4) Hash tables to increase speed
- 5) BitBoards to increase speed
- 6) Improved evaluation function
- 7) 3D board
- If you have any suggestions please do drop me an e-mail at:
- e-mail: maughan@bigfoot.com
- WWW: http://home.clara.net/maughan
- Enjoy
- Steve Maughan - February 1998